A Litany of Thanks during Lent 2019

Sunday, March 17, 2019
Dear God,
Glory to Your marvelous name!
Thank you for this glorious day among the living to magnify you in thought, word, and with good deeds!
Thank you for multiple chances.
Thank you for never giving up on us.
Thank you for opening doors that no human can shut.
Thank you for waking us up with our minds on you.
Thank you for blessing us to retain you in our thoughts.

Thank you for people of goodwill, they have existed in every time and every place.
Because of your Spirit, benevolent men and women are in every ethnic group; represent every religious tradition and every social class. They are as numerous as the sand.
Thank you, God!
Kind people make the world better, often at great personal sacrifice.
Their presence changes the culture, even if only superficially and temporarily.
Unwittingly, they inspire others to want to be better and to do good.
Once again, thank you for them!

Thank you for abolitionist, civil rights advocates, and Freedom Riders!
Many of them gave their lives and experienced significant personal loss to end slavery and institutional discrimination.
In most cases, they had everything to lose and little to gain by going against the powerful and ugly practice of institutionalized racism.

Thank you for those who work without fanfare to make wherever they are more just.
Help us all practice peace by living the Golden Rule – treat each person exactly as we want you to treat us. When we fail, forgive us and help us do better.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray!